Lasers in Acupuncture
Laser Acupuncture involves low level laser beams being used to stimulate acupuncture points. Laser is used both as a non-needle alternative and as a medium in its own right with its own distinct energising characteristics, extending the range of acupuncture treatment options available. Having low level laser equipment presents a number of benefits in terms of day to day acupuncture practice, as well as adding a whole new but related capability in terms of the stimulation of cellular healing mechanisms and analgesic effects of direct laser therapy.
Laser with an Omega system is a particularly helpful modality for needle-phobic clients and children, being painless and using short treatment times per point in series. Laser is also a very useful modality in the veterinary field where it's non-invasive nature permits non-vet acupuncturists to practice and facilitates the treatment of restless animals.
Integrating laser into one’s acupuncture practice is straightforward and increases the potential for highly personalised solutions delivering benefits to acupuncturist and client alike.

Recommended Package for Acupuncturists
What's Included:
- Xp Control Unit
(or Xp Clinic) - Infra-Red Single Laser
(820nm 200mW) - Acupuncture Tip
- Point-Finder Kit
- Two Pairs of Protective Glasses
- Training

"...using traditional acupuncture principles, the laser has enhanced my practice by allowing me to offer an aseptic, non-invasive and painless alternative to conventional needles - I would not be without it."
Laser Acupuncture for Postoperative Pain Management in Cats
...postoperative supplemental analgesia was required by significantly more cats in the Control (5/10) compared with the Laser group (1/10) (P = 0.038). Laseracupuncture reduced postoperative analgesic requirements in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.
Contact us
Contact Omega to discuss the application of laser in your practice.
Call +44 (0) 1787 477551 or email